
Everyday (Levi X Reader)

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A hand gently ran through your hair. It wasn't your hand. Your eyes fluttered open to see a pair of worried grey eyes staring down at you. Levi ran his hand through your hair as he sat on the edge of your bed. He looked worried. Levi doesn't show emotions. You gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"I think you're really sick." He said, searching your face for something. He pressed his lips against your forehead them moved away to look at your face again. "You need to see a doctor or something. You look terrible."

"That's very encouraging sweetie." You said.

He let out one of those rare smiled of his. "At least your personality is the same." He murmured, kissing your forehead again.

"How bad do I look exactly?" You asked.

"You're really pale. You feel really warm, you're sweating, you keep shaking, you've thrown up many times, you keep coughing..." He trailed off. His hand was now on yours, and he rubbed circles with his thumb.

"You don't have to be here. I don't want you seeing me like this." You said, starting to sit up. He pressed you back into the mattress gently.

"Shh, just relax." You let out another vigorous fit of coughing, having to sit up. All the while he gave you a worried look. "Do you need anything?" He asked, gently tucking a strand of loose (h/c) hair behind your ear.

"Get me Hanji." You said bluntly, raising a shaky hand to your forehead and keeping your fingertips to your skin.

"No." He said strictly, shaking his head. "I' not letting that crazy woman come near you." He said sternly.

"Levi, please, do this for me." You said, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"(f/n), I'm not letting her do anything to you." He said.

"Levi, please." You said, urgency lacing with your words. He gave you a worried look, then sighed.

"Fine. Stay there." He said. He pressed his lips to your cheek and held your hand for a moment, before walking out the door. You sighed and rested against the pillows of your mattress.

There was a sharp knock on your door. You lifted your head weakly to see a brunette with glasses at the door. "(f/n)? Levi told me you weren't feeling very well." Hanji said, closing the door behind her. She gave you a pitiful look and walked towards you.

"Very well? Ha! I feel like shit." You said. You started coughing again, this time with your entire body shaking. It was like pain was blossoming in your lungs, then spreading around from your head to the tip of your toes. Hanji settled you down on the mattress, then ran back to the door. She pulled in a metal cart with unknown objects on them. She closed the door behind her and pulled the cart over to the side of your bed. Your body shook one more time before stopping.

"(f/n), I'm going to give you something to make you fall asleep, okay?" You gave a small nod. Good, some sleep. You hadn't slept in days. You had to wake up to throw up. Levi by your side the whole time, holding back your hair. You kind of felt bad for making him take care of you so much. "Then I'm going to run some tests on you, alright?" She asked again. You gave another weak nod. She held up a syringe with some orange liquid in it. Like a sunset. Pretty.

"Don't stab me with it, alright?" You asked, voice coming out as a odd croak. You furrowed your brows together at the noise.

Hanji smiled, wiping at a spot on your arm. "Don't worry, I won't." She said. She looked into your eyes for a moment. "You want me to hold your hand?" She asked. You laughed softly, but took her hand nevertheless. She smiled and pressed the needle to your arm.

It was only a hard pinch before your didn't notice it anymore. You could feel the cold liquid being inserted into your body, it's coolness spreading. Your eyelids already started drooping. You gave Hanji a tired look. "Stay strong, alright?" She whispered. You didn't have time to nod before sleep pulled you into it's dark palace.

~*Time Skip. I need some music...*~

"(f/n)? (f/n), wake up. It's me Hanji." You squinted at the sudden light. You came out of the dark palace you called sleep and blinked a few times to get adjusted to the light. Hanji was staring down at you with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Her eyes were a different story. Something happened.

"What happened?" You asked. Hanji opened her mouth to answer. "Don't say nothing. You know what I meant." Her clamped her lips tightly together and looked around the room, nervously wrenching her hands together.

"(f-f/n), I-I don't really know how to explain this-"

"Get on with it." You said, anxious to know the answer, yet wanting her to keep it to herself.

She fixed her gaze back on you and sighed. "You have a very rare illness. I-I don't know what it is, o-or how you got it... But, there's no way to... to treat it. And based on your test results, and your symptoms... You..." She covered her face with her hands and a few audible sobbing noises were heard.

"Hanji, I what?" You asked, gripping the sheets of the bed.

She dropped her hands from her face, and let them fall against her legs. She wiped her hands on her pants and stared down at the floor. "You have less than a day to live."

You had no idea what to do. Scream, laugh, cry? You stared at her as she lifted her gaze. Her eyes were red, and new tears began to form in them. She was saying something, but you didn't hear her. Less than a day? What about the military? What about all your friends and family? The hardest question struck you. It wouldn't go away. What about Levi?

Something possessed you to start laughing. "Oh Hanji, you're joking right?" You said, hope filling your voice. She gave you a speechless look. "Right?" You said, almost a whisper. You sat up abruptly and grabbed the book that was to your side. You threw it at the window where a sickening crack was heard. "GODDAMN IT! I WAS FINE JUST A WEEK AGO, AND NOW LIFE EXPECTS ME TO DROP EVERYTHING AND DIE? WHAT ABOUT THE TITANS? WHAT ABOUT ALL MY FRIENDS? WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL LEVI? 'Oh, sorry sweetie, but it seems that this is goodbye, because I'm dying tomorrow hahahaha!' I REFUSE TO GIVE UP!" You screeched.

Hanji placed her hands on your shoulders. "(f/n), calm down, don't strain yourself." Tears formed in your eyes. You tried forcing them away, but they just ran down your cheeks. A strangled sob escaped your throat as your wrapped your arms around Hanji's neck and cried. She hugged you too and allowed you to carry on with your loud sobbing.

"What am I supposed to tell Levi, Hanji? I love him so much, and he... He..." You pulled away and stared down at your hand. A ring was on your finger, with a small blue diamond in the middle. It wasn't much, but it meant the world to you. Levi told you that once all this chaos was over, he's marry you. He promised he'd make you happy everyday.

"I know..." She whispered, voice slightly hoarse. She was quiet for a moment as she sat on the edge of your bed, staring at your hand as you gently stroked the ring. "I have an idea." She finally said. "But, you have to promise to do it. And I'll play along." She said.

"What is it?" You asked, looking up. She leaned in close to your ear and began to whisper.

~*Time Skip and Now I'm Listening To Depressing Music*~

"Levi, before you go... can I tell you something?"

Levi had one foot out the door when you said this. He'd ordered you to take the day off since you were so sick. You hadn't told him. He'd insisted on staying with you, but you told him that the cadets needed him. He turned towards you with a confused look. "What?" He asked gently, as if the wrong words would shatter you.

"Do you want to play a game?" You asked.

"A game? When you're sick, you want to play a game?" He asked, closing the door and walking over to you.

"Yeah." You said with a smile.

"What game is this then?" He asked with a bored expression.

You drew in a breath. "I don't want you to talk to me. All day. I don't want to have any kind of communication with you. I want to see if you can last a day without seeing, or talking, or having anything to do with me."

"And why am I doing this?" He asked.

You forced the tears away. "Because, if one day, something bad happens to us, we know how to survive without each other for a day. Because you'll be back after a day, or I'll be back for a day, but during that day, we won't miss each other as much." You said with a forced smile.

He stared at you for a moment and sighed through his nose. "What do I get if I win this game?" He asked.

Your smile grew wider. "I'll love you forever." You said.

He smiled. "Alright. When does the day end?"

"Midnight." You said. But your day ended perhaps a few hours before that.

He smiled. "Okay." He whispered. "One last kiss?" He asked.

You had to choke down a sob. "One last kiss." You said, voice shaky. He smiled and leaned in, placing his lips gently against yours. He was pressed against you for a moment before pulling away. He smiled one of his very rare smiles and took your hand, running his fingers over the ring.

"I love you, (f/n)." He said.

You wiped at your eyes, trying not to make it too obvious. "I love you more." You said.

He kissed your hand and got up, walking towards the door. "See you at the end of the day." He called over his shoulder.

"Yeah." You called back, voice straining to keep itself in order.

He glanced back at you, eyes filled with worry. He smiled one last time before closing the door.

You drew in a breath as the tears slid down your cheeks. You grabbed a pillow and held it to your mouth to muffle your cries. You called out his name several times, but it was inaudible because of the pillow. You moved the now-damp pillow away from your mouth and stared at the door where he once stood. I love you, (f/n). The words rang out in your head.

You sighed and rested back into the pillows. "I love you too, Levi."

~*Time Skip-alooo*~

"Do you think (f/n) is okay?" Levi asked Hanji. Erwin gave his Corporal a confused look. Levi never talked to Hanji unless she forced him to. Of course, everyone knew about (f/n) being so sick that she had to turn in for the day, but all Levi would talk about was her. For some reason, he talked to Hanji about it too.

"Of course she is." Hanji said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Before Levi noticed, she looked down at her soup.

"Her and her stupid games. I need to check on her, just once." Levi said, standing up. Hanji flew from her spot and forced Levi to sit back down.

"NO! NO, SHE SAID NOT TO. DON'T YOU WANT TO MAKE HER HAPPY, JUST DON'T GO." Hanji insisted. Levi glared at her but settled back in his seat. Hanji stood there for a moment, staring at him. She made an odd noise and covered her mouth.

Levi looked up at her with a glare. "What's wrong with you, Shitty Glasses?" He asked.

Hanji drew in a deep breath and used her sleeve to wipe at her eyes. "Nothing. Excuse me." And with that, she left the room. Levi looked at Erwin, who just shrugged. Levi heard (f/n)'s name over at another table, and listened to the cadet's conversation, turning slightly to see then from the corner of his eye.

"What do you think's wrong with Squad Leader (f/n)?" Sounded like Jaeger.

"I dunno, but I saw her a couple days ago, and she was really pale." Armin replied.

"Maybe she just has a cold." Jean said with a shrug.

"It seemed a lot more serious than that." Mikasa countered, taking a sip of her soup.

"Would you all just SHUT UP!" The four focused their attention on  an angered Levi standing behind them. "She's fine okay? Just shut up!"

"Sir, are you alright? You're not acting like yourself." Armin said softly, standing up and setting a hand on the Corporal's shoulder.

Levi swatted his hand away and looked down at the floor. "Just... don't talk about her like that. She's fine." He muttered. He looked up to see everyone staring at him. "Get back to your meals." He ordered. They quickly turned around and started talking about something else. Armin gave Levi a comforting smile before sitting back down with his friends. Levi ran a hand through his dark hair and walked towards the exit. He slammed open the door, and swung it shut behind him.

~*Time Skip...*~


The man looked up to see Hanji and Erwin looking down at him. He had his back rested against the trunk of a tree, and was staring out past the gates. "Are you alright?" Hanji asked.

Levi sighed and started standing up. "Yeah I'm fine." Once he was up, he ran a hand through his hair. "I've just been worried about (f/n)." He said, looking down at the ground, somewhere near Erwin's boots. He didn't notice them both exchange a look. "Do you guys know what time it is?" He asked, looking back up at them.

"It's 11:58." Erwin said with a small smile. Levi sighed again and stuffed his hands in his pockets, leaning against the tree and staring straight in front of him towards the stables. An awkward silence settled upon them.

"I think it's alright if you go see her now." Hanji interrupted the quiet. Levi turned to her and shook his head.

"I already told you, she said midnight." He said bluntly, looking back out the gates.

"Yeah but, I'm sure she'll be fine with it." Hanji said. Levi gave her a strange look as he noticed the strain in her voice.

Curiosity and worry finally overcoming him, he took a deep breath and nodded, going around them and walking towards the castle. He turned back around to see Hanji trembling as she raised a hand to cover her mouth. Erwin placed a hand on her shoulder and looked down at the floor. Anxiety washing over, Levi ran up the steps and practically burst through the door. He looked up at the clock and saw it read 12:00.

He chuckled. "See (f/n), I did it! I went a full day without..." His voice trailed off as he stared at the girls body in the bed. Her eyes were closed, and her hands were limply at her sides. Levi closed the door behind him and furrowed his brows, walking toward her. "(f/n), wake up and celebrate with me." He said with a small laugh. Not a twitch. He tapped her lightly. "Wake up." He ordered. Nothing.

He placed his hand over her chest. Nothing. Not a thump. His heart began racing as he shook her by the shoulders. "Wake up (f/n), I said wake up!" He checked her pulse and felt nothing. His breathing became uneven as he shook her furiously. "GODDAMN IT (F/N), I SAID WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He screeched. Tears started forming in his eyes but he didn't bother wiping them away.

"I swear to God (f/n), if you don't wake up, I'll, I'll..." He trailed off and stared at her unmoving figure. A noise that sounded like he was choking on something escaped his lips. "Please wake up." He whispered, brushing strands of hair away from her face. "If you ever loved me, you'd wake up. You'd wake up right now and tell me that you're okay. That you love me and that we're going to get married. That we're going to live happily until we grow old together. (f/n), if you wanted any of that to happen-" His voice cracked as tears slid down his face. "If you wanted any of that to happen, you'd wake up!"

Silence. Nothing. He stared down at (f/n)'s beautiful face and lost it. He broke out into fits of sobs and coughing as tears slid down his cheeks. He held her limp body against him and cried into her hair. "(f/n), please come back! Please, I need you here!" He said. It was a scream and at the same time it was a whisper. "I'll love you for all my days if you just came back to me, please (f/n)!" He planted kisses on her lips, then her cheeks, then the tip of her nose, then her forehead. "I love you, I love you, please come back. Don't do this to me (f/n), please come back. I need you, please..." His voice cracked until it was a mere whisper.

Something flashed in the corner of his eye. He pried his gaze away from his face to see whatever caught his attention. A ring. Her ring. He gently placed her down on the bed before walking over to the table where her ring laid. A small scrap of paper lay underneath it. He set the ring aside and held the note up to read it

You did it sweetie. Now please do it Everyday.
I'll love you forever. Don't forget it.

The handwriting was a little sloppy, but the signature looked as she'd always done it. He folded the note and stuffed it into the pocket if his jacket. He put the ring in the same pocket. He stared down at the table where his tears hit the surface. Levi slammed his fist against the table, making a loud crashing noise. He looked back quickly, as if the noise would wake her up. He silently walked over to her and grabbed her pale, cold hand.

He knelt down and softly kissed (f/n)'s hand, where he left tears against her soft skin. He let out a shaky breath and looked into her (e/c) eyes. "I promise. I'll do it Everyday."
You guys hate me now don't you?
I'm so sorry I did this to you
Where did I get this idea, you ask? I dunno, probably The Fault In Our Stars
I'M SORRY OKAY? *throws box of tissues and icecream*

Thanks For Reading! :iconrainbowsheepplz:
© 2014 - 2024 Greystream
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kakashilover1's avatar

I have read some before and none of them have ever brought me to tears like this one, You could actually feel the characters pain, You write beautifully and as sad and painful this story is i really loved reading it.