
I Care About You (Levi X Reader)

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"Eren! Come back!" You yelled as you watched your friend glide away towards the direction of battle. You both had just witnessed your comrades be brutally murdered by the Female Titan. Eren, outraged by their deaths had just turned around, off to fight off the person who just killed your new friends. You landed on a tree branch, and drew your swords back in, pondering on what to do. If you kept going, just as Petra told you to, you would feel like you had betrayed them. If you went back though, you could die. But you would die fighting for whats right. But-

You shook your head. No more buts. You knew what you had to do. Grabbing the handles to your swords, you jumped off the branch and swung towards a bright lightning flash that wasn't too far away. As you got closer, you realized two massive bodies swinging at one another. You veered away from the protection of the trees and moved closer to the battle between the two titans, trying to analyse the situation. As the scene came into view, you noticed Eren was losing terribly. He had the Female Titan pinned, but she kept dodging at his slow punches.

A sudden emotion washed over you. A sudden mixture of adrenaline, anger, grief, and sadness. You stared down at where Eren was continuously trying to punch her, even though both of his hands hadn't regenerated. A sudden scream withdrew itself from your throat, as you lunged forward toward the two, drawing the swords out of their safe places. You aimed right at the Female's nape, while her head was lifted slightly. You lifted your arms up, ready to strike.

Then you were flying in the other direction. You felt a sudden impact on your back, knocking the breath out of your chest. You heard the metal from your gear make a screeching noise as it slid across the floor and bent at odd angles. You choked a bit, gasping for air. A sharp pain pierced at your right arm, and you could tell something was wrong with it. Once regaining yourself, you realized you had been thrown off to the side, or at least knocked away by a hand or something of the sort. You saw Mikasa soar after the Female Titan who was jogging away. As you stood up, you saw Eren's titan body releasing smoke in great amounts. You decided not to worry about it, since Mikasa was obviously going to handle the situation herself. You decided to worry about something else. You started running in the direction of where your comrades's bodies were.

~*Tiny Time Skip. Depressing Start We're Off To, Aren't We?*~

You finally saw some figures sprawled across the floor. The first one you ran to was the body against the tree, with ginger hair. Tears formed into your eyes as your pace slowed, and you stood right next to your new-found friend. Blood trailed down her face as she had a blank stare at the sky. Her head was bent at an odd angle, that would've been painful if you did it yourself. Your legs gave out, and you fell to the ground, crouching beside the happy girl you once knew, who was all about hope.

"No... Petra, please!" You cried out, reaching out to her. You grabbed her by the shoulders, and pulled her stiff body away from the harsh, rough bark of the tree that was splattered with a dark red color. "Petra..." You murmured, staring down at her head resting in your lap. Tears started trickling down your cheeks as you sobbed quietly, staring down into her glazed lifeless eyes.

You had been sitting there for a couple of minutes, your sobs increasing and decreasing volume, until you saw a figure move out of the corner of your eye. "(f/n), where's Eren?" Said a voice that didn't seem to have any response to the scene in front of him. You turned around to see Lance Corporal Levi standing behind you, looking down at both you and Petra.

Sudden anger washed over you. "Is that all you care about? Eren? What about her, what about the others?!" You said, voice steadily raising. "Is Eren the only one that we have to protect?! What about all of our friends! Do you care so much about Eren, that you're too blind to see that someone who trusted you just died following your orders?!" You screamed, looking up into his grey eyes and motioning towards the ginger-haired girl who you clung to so tightly.

Levi seemed to be surprised at your words, and at the same time angry. But you didn't care for the murderous glare he threw at you. "Do not speak to me like that, cadet, we have other things to worry about then just friends. We-"

"Are you telling me that you didn't care about her at all? That it's okay that she's dead? That it's okay that Gunter and Oluo-"

"I never said it was okay for people to die-"

"Well you sure do act like it!" You screamed to him in protest. Your voice cracked, and you couldn't hold it in any longer. You broke down into full-on sobs, your body shuddering, and your breath in ragged gasps as you clutched your friend's body close to you. "She didn't have to die like this! She could've lived a life full of happiness outside the walls with people she loved!"

You felt a something on your shoulder, and you turned around to face your squad leader. You could almost see tears in his eyes, but they disappeared almost as fast as they had come. "You need some time to rest. Come see me after we get back to headquarters, okay?" He asked, with a tad of concern in his voice. Your body shuddered once again as you took in a deep breath. You nodded slowly and turned back to the girl you had come to know as one of your best friends.

"People will come through to gather the bodies soon. Stay here until then." Levi said. He glanced down at your right arm, that seemed to be doing a bad job of keeping Petra on your lap. "Get that arm checked out as well." He added. And with that, he flew off into the direction of fading footsteps.

~*Wow Bela, Great Job At Being Depressing. Time Skip #2*~

"All of the injured, get inside the castle and find someone to help you! Non-injured, help the injured please, or gather food and water and send them up to the injured as well!" Erwin's voice rang out as everyone entered the gates to the castle. People started gathering into separate groups. All of the non injured ran around, grabbing some people and pulling them upstairs with bottles of fluid and cloth, while the injured roamed around, looking for someone to tend to their wounds. You grabbed your broken arm, trying to get it to stop throbbing.

You felt a hand firmly grasp your other arm. You turned to see a pair of grey eyes looking down at you. "Come to my office, I'll help you with your arm." Levi said.

You pulled away from him, wincing at the pain that coursed through your right arm at the sudden jerk of movement. "Leave me alone, I need some time to myself." You said.

"You can do that after your arm is treated, cadet. We don't need wounded soldiers walking around being useless." Levi said, giving you the statement as if it were a fact.

"I have a name, sir. And, I'm fine, I don't need any help. Why don't you take care of people who have it a lot worse than me." You said, starting to walk away.

"Cadet, get back here or else-" You blocked out the rest of his words and ran blindly to a spot you were sure no one would find you at during that time. Behind the stables.

You leaned against the wall, clutching your arm and trying to get the fiery pain to stop spreading. You stared up at the sky, when the sudden image of Petra's face smeared with blood flashed into your mind. You closed your eyes as tears started to form. You told yourself not to cry. You repeated this to yourself over and over until tears flowed freely down your cheeks. You finally gave up, and slid your back down the wall until you sat down on the hard ground. Soon, some sort of choking gasps erupted from you, which was the only way you could breath now. You brought your hand up and covered your mouth, trying to muffle the noises. You finally gave up and dropped your hand, letting it go limp at your side. Ashamed that you were crying to freely, you drew your legs in, and rested your head against your knees, covering yourself with your arms.

You heard footsteps approaching but you didn't care, and you weren't even sure if they were real, possibly some sort of imagination of yours. You heard something shift in front of you, and you looked up from your little fortress. All you wanted at the moment was a friend. The grey eyes that met your (e/c) ones were suddenly welcoming. "Levi..." Your voice came out as a whisper.

You sat on your knees, the same way he was sitting, and wiped the tears from your cheeks. His hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. "Don't cover it up. It's okay if you need to cry." He whispered, loosening his grip on your hand. He scooted forward, then gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him. You wrapped your arms around his as well, and cried freely into his chest. You felt him gently stroking your (h/c) hair with one hand, and keeping the other around your waist.

You sat there for who knows how long. You knew it took a while until your breathing became steady, for your body to stop quivering. Soon the only noise was his breath against your ear. He finally broke the silence. "I did care about her." He whispered. The comment made you pull away slightly from him, to look up into his grey, icy eyes.

"She was one of my closest friends." You said, voice steady. It was quiet for a while, with just the both of you staring at each other, trying to figure the other one out.

"It seems we both lost someone we care about." He said. "I think I know a way to patch up a piece of a broken heart." He whispered, drawing you closer to him.

Before you understood what he meant, he gently pressed his lips against yours. He didn't open his mouth, or graze his tongue along your lips. It was a simple kiss, with much more meaning behind it. He let go, then kissed your forehead before laying his chin on top of your head as you pressed yourself against his chest.

"I care about you, more than I cared about her." He whispered.

You both sat there, holding one another in your arms. You shared broken hearts, while mending them into one.
Wow, I came up with a depressing story... Yay... So I was thinking about Levi and Petra, then I was thinking about Petra's death, and that all led up to this. Well thanks for reading, and sorry that this isn't uplifting, and Levi's a little OOC, but y'know what, it's 2 in the morning, so don't judge.

You belong to Levi
Levi belongs to You

Thanks For Reading! :iconrainbowsheepplz:
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